
Monday, January 4, 2010


Author :- Jaymala

There is a definite link between ADHD and nutrition. Numerous studies hit shown that proper nutrition and ADHD are a great aggroup in minimizing the symptoms of ADHD and making life more endurable for the whole family.

Omega 3 fatty acids (found in fish and flax seed oil) is important for mentality development and studies showed that boys with a low take of those fatty acids were much more likely to suffer from ADHD.

Nutrition module not cure ADHD but it module certainly help with symptoms. Some parents are not aware of this and module allow their kids to hit coke (full of additives and presevatives), junk matter which all contain the colourings which are today hard suspected as being guilty of exacerbating some ADHD symptoms such as hyperactivity or activity disorders in general.

ADHD meds are convenient for getting some quick superficial results but they module not heal anything. The alarming fact is that the individual a child is on these meds, he may develop symptoms caused by the side effects and means he has to take other drugs to counteract them.

It is a vicious circle. In addition today that we undergo that these meds can be risky for children with a doable hunch problem, we are told that up to 2% of children may hit an undiagnosed hunch condition and some of the ADHD meds could actually lead to a cardiac event in these children at risk. That is a nice way of saying hunch attack !

These problems just do not exist when parents opt for a homeopathic ADHD cure because there are no side effects. Together with a conscious approach to ADHD and nutrition, more and more parents are seeing much better results in their children's behaviour.

We today undergo that magnesium and zinc are essential elements in any diet and module really help the ADHD child to be able to pore better and hit a individual attention span.

The best way to intend these into the diet is to make sure that fresh matter together with fruit, vegetables, eggs, meat and wholegrains are on the menu as much as possible. Smoothies are great here because veggies themselves are not that appealing to kids.

The vitamin B assemble when given to a assemble of boys together with magnesium for a period of up to 6 months, was found to be effective in actually reducing hyperactivity in those boys. This demonstrated very clearly that ADHD and nutrition go hand in hand.

In adopting a conscious approach to ADHD and nutrition, you module certainly be throwing out all the computerized foods which come in packets, boxes and some bottles.

module also need some medication and module certainly want to avoid the psychostimulants as the risks are too great. Proper nutrition together with a homeopathic cure to calm your ADHD child is by far the safest option.